Saat ini aku senang sekali mendengar lagu-lagu jazz Peyroux ini, iramanya American Jazzy dan ringan namun smart. Lagu- lagu "Back in Your Own Back Yard" dan J'Ai Deux Amours" enak didenger, eh lagi suka-sukanya dengerin lagu itu, Metro TV menayangkan Peyroux. Ada lagu "I'm All Right" yang liriknya enak banget.
He made me laugh
He made me cry
He smoked his stogies in bed
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
I asked the boy for a few kind words
He gave me a novel instead
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
It's fine, it's OK
It was wrong either way
I just wanted to say
There isn't much fun when you're drinking wine
He got drunk, he fell down
He threw a few of my things around
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
I'd like to believe that it's easy to leave
But I have to conceive that wherever you are
You're still driving my car
Sticks and stones break my bones
But tears don't leave any scars
So I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I've been lonely before
I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I'm all alright
Dulu classic Rock jadi dewa dalam mendengarkan musik, eh kok sekarang American Jazz malah enak didenger, aku sering ngeledek orang yang suka Jazz adalah orang yang belagak intelektual tapi nggak tau apa-apa tentang musik, tapi sekarang aku kok suka Jazz, mudah-mudahan nggak kecanduan......... hehehehehehe...........
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